Timekeeping - Landscape Overview

Published on 2023-01-17 byMaya Markovich

Timekeeping software is widely used in the legal profession as the business of law is, with some exceptions, typically conducted via an hourly billing model. In recent years this model has been scrutinized as the enemy of innovation, efficiency and attorney wellness, but it is likely here to stay for many areas of legal practice. 

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Maya Markovich

Maya Markovich

LTH Expert Village Capital

With her unique background spanning VC, law, behavioral science, and change design, Maya Markovich delivers executive-level technology, process, and business growth services worldwide. For over five years she served as Chief Growth Officer for Nextlaw Labs/Nextlaw Ventures at Dentons, the world's largest firm. Maya now advises multiple high-growth startups and consults on legal industry innovation. In addition, she currently serves on the boards of multiple organizations dedicated to improving access to justice and industry equity.

Maya frequently speaks at conferences, broadcasts and writes on legal tech and innovation. She was named one of five “Influential Women of Legal Tech” by ILTA in 2020, a “Woman Leading Legal Tech” by The Technolawgist in 2019, and an ABA Legal Technology Resource Center “Woman of Legal Tech 2018” for her work in encouraging, designing and implementing the future of the legal industry around the globe. 

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