Savvy Training & Consulting
The SavvyAcademy LMS provides all of the flexibility, customization, and tracking features that law firm trainers need, and it is pre-loaded with the SavvySMART Content Library.
The SavvySMART Content Library is continuously updated, with law firm-specific training on foundational IT such as the Microsoft suite, iManage, Netdocuments. Savvy also offers specific modules on security awareness training, compliance and soft skills training, and more.
If Savvy does not offer training on a desired subject matter, Savvy consultants can custom-develop it for a customer. Savvy works with customers to develop customized, fleible training programs around roll-outs, implementations, and upgrades.
Testimonials Name, Testimonials Role, Testimonials Company
Isabel Parker, Executive Director, The Digital Legal Exchange
Lucy Dillon, Director, Lucy Dillon Consulting Ltd
Laura Leopard, CEO, Leopard Solutions LLX
Noah Waisberg, CEO & Co-Founder, Zuva
Nicole Bradick, Founder & CEO, Theory + Principal
Jake Heller, CEO, Casetext
Joshua Fireman, President, Fireman & Company
arvind, SSE
shubham, SE
Nilam, QA, IBSS
virender, SE
abhi, SSE
virender consiultancy, SSE
JK Testimonials NAME, JK Testimonials ROLE
JK Testimonials NAME, JK Testimonials ROLE
JK Testimonials NAME, JK Testimonials ROLE
Nilam, QA, IBSSS
J KTestimonials NAME, JK Testimonials ROLE
JK Testimonials NAME, J KTestimonials ROLE
fsdfsdf, dsfsfsd
Nilam, QA1, INS
LTH, Lawyer
JK Testimonials NAME, JK Testimonials ROLE, JK COMPANY
Jyoti, qa3, ibsd
Monika, QA2, IBS
monika, qa5, the
Nilam, qa4, cg
virender, admin, testing PVt ltd
Nilam, QA, IBSS
Monika, SQA, IBS
Monika name, SQA, IBS
Monika, QA, IBS
Monika, QA, IBS
Chris Ford, Head of Marketing and Consulting, LTH
Nilam, QA, Impressico
Will Smith, Actor, Hollywood
Testimonials NAME, Testimonials ROLE, Testimonials COMPANY
Testimonials Name, Testimonials Role, Testimonials Company
Isabel Parker, Executive Director, The Digital Legal Exchange