Lawyers On Demand
LOD (Lawyers On Demand), founded in 2007, is an alternative legal services provider operating in the flexible lawyering and legal outsourcing segment. LOD was one of the pioneers of the 'alternative legal service' model and has grown to become a global provider, connecting high-caliber freelance legal professionals with organizations that require their expertise on a flexible basis.
The primary objective of LOD is to provide a cost-effective solution for businesses and law firms that have fluctuating legal needs. To do this, LOD has developed a robust network of experienced lawyers who can be engaged on a temporary or project basis. This allows organizations to effectively manage workload peaks, cover temporary absences, or access specialist legal skills that may not be present in their internal team.
One of LOD's key strengths lies in its rigorous selection process, ensuring that only top-tier legal professionals are a part of their network. Additionally, LOD's model offers a high degree of flexibility, enabling organizations to scale their legal capabilities as needed.