CloudLegal, founded in 2015 and based in the UK, is a legal support consultancy providing a broad array of legal services to businesses. Their primary offering is a template library. CloudLegal's model aims to simplify access to legal advice by offering a flexible, user-friendly platform for businesses to seek legal guidance and services on-demand. Their offerings include business law, contracts, data protection, intellectual property, employment law, and corporate governance, among others.
The key technical feature of CloudLegal is its innovative online platform, which allows users to swiftly access the legal support they need. Through this platform, clients can request a call or email from a legal professional and receive prompt and practical advice.
NOTE: As of May 2023, CloudLegal is only offering templates for purchase via the website until further notice. Their other services are unavailable for now
Testimonials Name, Testimonials Role, Testimonials Company
Isabel Parker, Executive Director, The Digital Legal Exchange
Lucy Dillon, Director, Lucy Dillon Consulting Ltd
Laura Leopard, CEO, Leopard Solutions LLX
Noah Waisberg, CEO & Co-Founder, Zuva
Nicole Bradick, Founder & CEO, Theory + Principal
Jake Heller, CEO, Casetext
Joshua Fireman, President, Fireman & Company
arvind, SSE
shubham, SE
Nilam, QA, IBSS
virender, SE
abhi, SSE
virender consiultancy, SSE
JK Testimonials NAME, JK Testimonials ROLE
JK Testimonials NAME, JK Testimonials ROLE
JK Testimonials NAME, JK Testimonials ROLE
Nilam, QA, IBSSS
J KTestimonials NAME, JK Testimonials ROLE
JK Testimonials NAME, J KTestimonials ROLE
fsdfsdf, dsfsfsd
Nilam, QA1, INS
LTH, Lawyer
JK Testimonials NAME, JK Testimonials ROLE, JK COMPANY
Jyoti, qa3, ibsd
Monika, QA2, IBS
monika, qa5, the
Nilam, qa4, cg
virender, admin, testing PVt ltd
Nilam, QA, IBSS
Monika, SQA, IBS
Monika name, SQA, IBS
Monika, QA, IBS
Monika, QA, IBS
Chris Ford, Head of Marketing and Consulting, LTH
Nilam, QA, Impressico
Will Smith, Actor, Hollywood
Testimonials NAME, Testimonials ROLE, Testimonials COMPANY
Testimonials Name, Testimonials Role, Testimonials Company
Isabel Parker, Executive Director, The Digital Legal Exchange